Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What was I thinking?!?!

This is my #9 speech for Toastmasters tonight. I know it doesn’t read like a blog – but I thought I’d share it with you. Since it is a speech – the pattern or rhythm of the wording - is different. And I’ve put some visuals in parenthesis – so perhaps you can see what I’m actually doing.

You are what you think.

Do you believe that?

You have to show up in your life.

To make it happen - YOU have to show up in your life.

And it all begins up here (pointing to head).

Your existence is fundamental to your life.

You MUST show up!

Don’t be a stranger in your life.

And again I’m going to say, it begins up here (pointing to head). You are what you think.

So tell me, what are you thinking?  Or better yet, what WERE you thinking?

If you could dream your life – what would it be?

Is it the life you have now?  Why not?  Because as I said, you are what you think - sooooo – you create your own reality.

You’ve created this reality.  Is this the life you want?

This is your reality – your dream.

And if you don’t like it – that is your problem.

Heaven and hell exist right here.  I’m going to say this – and it is ok – if you do not agree with me.  But don’t leave me – stay with me.  Those places don’t exist somewhere else.  There is no place up in the clouds (pointing up) – (pointing down) there isn’t a place down underground. I believe that right here -- where I am standing – can be heaven or it can be hell.  I make that choice. Now don’t get stuck on that - keep going with me.

If you decide you want to suffer through Iife - then you will.

This world is what you make of it.  How you decide to live your life – you make it your heaven or your hell.

Do you have dreams, hopes, desires, goals? Are they fulfilled?

Have you fulfilled them – or are you at least making plans to fulfill them?

Or are you coasting along – existing – sleeping your life away?  Waiting for something else?  There are a lot of people that do that – they put things off – oh I’ll go on that vacation next year.  And guess what? Next year never comes!!!  What are you waiting for?  Oh I’ll use the good dishes later – for a special occasion.   Every day should be a special occasion!!!!

I have mental list of things I want to do – where I want my life to go – but I think of that list as something negotiable and subject to change.  Based on new information, I may wake up one day and decide I don’t want to do that anymore.  And that is ok. But you have to start somewhere. And in the end remember not to limit your thinking. Because you can do anything – if you can imagine it. Let me repeat that. If you can imagine it – you can do it.

You just have to believe that you can do it.

Lets start with the basics.  I believe that I am awesome.  I believe that you are awesome.  Say that with me.  I  AM AWESOME!!!  See now – doesn’t that feel good? Doesn’t it make you sort of tingly inside?

Because you are awesome.  And when you believe that you are awesome.  That you can do anything with your mind.  Then – your beliefs will change. And this will change your mind.

And when you change your mind.  Your dreams will change.  Your list will change. You will change.   From the inside out.  Because it all happens inside.  Inside your mind – inside your heart.

And when this happens, when you realize that you make your reality – your reality will change.  The people around you will change. Because you will draw people toward you that will help you – with your vision.  That will uplift you – because when you feel better about yourself -- you attract others that feel the same way. And you will uplift them – just by association.

But it all begins – within you. In your mind.  You have to see it and believe it.  Focus on that and do it.  Whatever IT is.

So what are you?  You are awesome!  Say that – I AM AWESOME!!  I am beautiful.  I am healthy.  I am perfect.  I am wonderful.  I am extraordinary.  And if you do not believe this. You stand in front of the mirror and say it until you believe it. Look yourself in the eye in the mirror. And repeat it. Until you believe it.  And when you finally believe it – YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE.  Your goodness will come out - everyone has it – it resides inside of you.  And when your goodness begins to shine – that spark inside of you – it starts to smolder and smoke -- then it really catches and it starts to burn bright – and once it starts burning bright – you can’t shut it off – nothing can shut it off – because you finally believe it.

And now that you know – you can’t not know.

That it all begins in your mind.

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