Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oooops! Did I just say that out loud?

Tonight i stopped at the grocer to pick up some salad fixin's and on the way out while walking through the parking lot i heard some commotion over at a van.  I looked - it was dark and i always pay attention to my surroundings.

I heard this woman yelling at her kids.  As i walked closer to my car i could understand the words that she was saying.  She looked at the car next to her and said "Sorry, you know how it is." And then she looked back down at her one child standing by the van and yelled, "What is wrong with you?!!!"

To which i replied, "You."

She then stood up straight and turned to look at me.  Ooops.  This is when i realized that i'd said it out loud and evidently loud enough for her to hear.  I looked at her and gave her a lopsided smile, said i love you (in my mind) and continued to my car.

She didn't say a word.

When i got in my car (and locked it, CWP's and all that) i looked in my rear view mirror and she turned after shutting the van door and looked at me.  We both just kind of smiled at each other.  She went on around to the driver's side of the van and i backed out and left.

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