Tuesday, November 04, 2014

I'm drinking from the saucer

 I read this quote the other day - and realized that this is my life.  This is my reality. I didn't know that i was searching for this - until i found it.  This year has been amazing for me.  I've opened up my heart center to such depths - that the Life Force Energy is flowing through me at a speed i've never felt before.  Or perhaps its just the fact that - i've never felt it before.  Because it has always been here, always moving through me.

The people i've met this year - the people that have gravitated toward me and the ones i've gravitated toward - we've developed a friendship that is deeper than i've felt with almost anyone, ever.  Maybe  ever period.

These friendships have gone from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye.  We've all looked at each other and seen our Authentic Selves within.  The quality and depth of these friendships, well, they take my breath away in their purity.

When we connected we knew that we all had a vision.  Without even discussing it.  A vision to engage with each other, to support and lift each other, so that we would and could grow to our highest potential.  A vision of a better world.  A vision of a pure communion with Spirit.  The pure Energy of Love and all that it entails.

With these friends, we exchange ideas and have discussions that lead to a great sharing and collaboration of truths that seem to spread from each one of us to the other (sometimes without having to actually speak the words).  It is just a knowing.  However it happens - the knowledge is there - naturally flowing from mind to mind.  This Energy that is building and expanding and moving us forward into our future - is a fascinating thing to watch.  It is fascinating to watch each of us grow separately and yet together in our Oneness.  Because we are all One.  One Energy.

When i go about my day to day, I am more Mindful of each moment that passes.  More Mindful in my dealings with others. More Mindful in my dealing with this Self.  Watching my thoughts. My words.  The ones that come out of mouth and the ones that stay inside.  I'm spending more time in prayer because I've realized that my every waking moment is prayer.  Spreading Love.  Seeing Love.  Being Love.  I am Love.

My cup runneth over and i'm drinking from the saucer.

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