Saturday, November 15, 2014

Oh My Goodness!!!

Today i went to the Celebration of Life service of someone i met a couple of years ago.  He was also a friend of mine's friend - one of her best friends.  I went to the service for a couple of reasons. One being that i thought a lot of him and second being that my friend was facilitating the service and i wanted to be there for her.  To hold her in the Light as she moved through this day.

What a treasure this man was.  He touched everyone's life that he came into contact with.  He was filled with Joy and he exuded Enthusiasm from his very core.  His Spirit.  During the service there were many stories of people telling how he had touched their life and made it better just by being a part of their life.

I know that i say - that i don't care what other people think of me - because what they think of me doesn't matter.  And i stand by that.  It doesn't matter.  Listening to the stories and the service today made me think about myself.  Would there be this many people at a Celebration of my Life?  Would there be this many people who thought this much of me - to not only come - but to want to express how much they thought of me?  Mmmm.

It made me review some of the things about myself.  And i decided to do something that i've never done before.  I wrote down a list of things about myself that i liked.  This was a difficult list to make.  Because i'm not used to writing these things down, or even thinking about them.  I am .....

Smart Mouth

Even writing them down, i kept erasing them and then i made myself put them back.  It is a short list.

And i've decided i need to keep this list and maybe add to it once in a while.  Especially when people say something nice to me.  I need to remember that i have these qualities and a whole lot more.

What are some of the qualities you have?  Just look at the ones you like, don't concentrate on the ones you don't like - that is for another day.  Today - just look at yourself and pick out 10 things about yourself that you like.  Write them down.  And when you see something in someone else - a quality that you like about them - mention it to them.  Say to them - "you are so kind, i appreciate you" or something to that affect.  

People need to be reminded of their goodness.  You need to be reminded of the good in you.  Expand your goodness.

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