Monday, November 03, 2014

What if I changed one teeny thing?

As a member of Toastmasters, I have to make 10 speeches to complete my first level requirements.  Presently I am on my 8th speech.  For those of you that are not familiar with Toastmasters International - they are a civic organization created to help you learn how to speak in public with ease.  When you join, you are given a manual with a 10 speech tract.  Each speech builds on the past speech.  For example you learn that a speech must have an introduction, a body and then the closing.  Over the next several speeches you learn organization, body movement, vocal variety, and eye contact.  The 8th speech shows you how to use visual aids.

If you are interested in speaking in public, you might want to consider Toastmasters - they guide you toward making yourself a better speaker, getting comfortable in front of a group, and most of all they do it kindly.  Also, if you are one of those people that inject your speech with fillers like, ummm, oh well, yes, and so - just to name a few - then Toastmasters is a must for you - they will definitely help you with breaking those habits.

This is my 8th speech, it has to be between 5-7 minutes - i will be giving it to my group on Thursday November 6th:

Speech #8 Stepping into your Future
(all pictures of the crystals from Dr. Emoto's website)

Good evening fellow Toastmasters and guests, I’m very happy that you are here tonight.

I believe that we are all amazing, special and extraordinary.

Not just you, or you or even you– but each and every one of you in this room.  In this building, this city, the world.  Extraordinary.

Some people feel that they are special – and you are entitled to believe anything you want to believe.  However, if you think you are special and you don’t think others are special – then you aren’t living up to your potential – and neither are you allowing the others around you – to live to their fullest potential.

I also know that we can do anything that we can imagine.  Anything.  Anything that you can imagine – you can do it.  Your mind is the only thing that limits you.  There is power in your thoughts.  If you limit yourself – you limit those around you – because you see the world as you create it.

You draw people to you, based on your thoughts and emotions.  So consider this – What if you changed one thought – just one little teeny thought – what would you begin to draw toward you and toward your future?

Today I’m going to tell you what one man did.  He had a thought and he pondered on it until it became more – it blossomed into a vision.  A... What if?

“He claimed that human consciousness has an effect 
on the molecular structure of water.”

In 1994 this man Dr. Masaru Emoto had the idea to freeze water and observe the crystals with a microscope.  At first he and his team observed tap water, river water and lake water near the large cities.   But they could not get beautiful crystals from any of this water.  However, when they went to the source of the river and the lakes where the water was pristine they observed beautiful crystals.  And like a snowflake each water crystal had its own uniqueness.

Mmm they thought.  What if we add another element into the mix?

Using the same water, they showed the water words and pictures, they played music to the water and they prayed to the water.

The result was phenomenal.  When they gave the water good words like LOVE,  HAPPINESS, JOY or they played music and offered pure prayer to the water, they began to observe beautiful crystals.  And when they showed the water words like WAR or FEAR they observed crystals that were malformed and ugly.

Everything is Energy and this energy vibrates.  So when the energy of the water and the energy of the pollution combined then the water near the large cities was off balance.  And yet, when they gave this same water hope and joy and beauty – the Energy from the water and the energy from the positive affirmations – created beauty.

Lake Biwa is the largest fresh water lake in Japan that became polluted and toxic – this is a before photo and
 this is after they performed a prayer ceremony over the water.

Before picture of the Fijiwara Dam in Japan and

 after a 1 hour Buddhist prayer ceremony.

After playing music, this is Imagine by John Lennon, and this is

 Heavy Metal Music.

After being shown a photo of an Elephant.

After listening to a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.

After being shown the word EVIL.

After being shown the words


Does this make you think?  It makes me think !!Forget the water!!! What are you saying to yourself?

I’ve brought you all some water today – and you can choose which one you’ll take – this one with the word WAR on it or one of these with the word LOVE on it. 

Dr. Emoto came into this world in Yokohama, Japan July 22, 1943 and left his body October 17, 2014.  He did some amazing things in his lifetime.  And they all began with a single thought. 

You are capable of doing all of this and more.   I want you to imagine the possibilities and step into your future.

Thank you.

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