Thursday, November 27, 2014

I Am Thankful!

I am thankful.  God is in ME.  God is in You.  God is Everywhere.  Present.  You are ME.  I am YOU.  We are ONE.  And I AM Thankful!

Today we are gathered to spend time with each other, my family.  Two of my sisters and their family - my other sister is sharing her  time with her husband's side of the family.  We are all together in Spirit.  Whenever we are gathered - i always feel each of us.  Present.

Last night we were playing Scattegories and someone said something which triggered a movie memory and J. goes into one character and then S. and I go into other characters and we are reciting the movie lines back and forth and laughing - while my other sister S. is sitting there with big eyes and raised eyebrows and a frown as if to say - "i am NOT related to any of you." Hahaha and then S. says "oh too bad S. isn't here - she would have joined in!"  "We'll have to do this again tomorrow when she's here.  She'd love this." hahaha!

[Yes there are a lot of S's in my family - about 6 of us have S names.]

I am thankful for so many things.  My Family.  God.  My Friends.  My Job.  A warm house.  My Church Family.  The tree outside my Studio window and the bird that sings its song that i am able to listen to everyday.  The Sunshine today.  The smell of turkey coming down the stairs today.  The gathering of my family and friends that are coming over.  YOU.  I am thankful for you.  

Remember that you are a blessing.  You are the blessing.  Just as you are.  And I Love you.

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