Sunday, November 23, 2014

Love changes everything …. part 2

Here I am today, it is November 22nd and I’ve been giving my experiment some consideration. This is my statement regarding the experiment and conclusion.

Purpose of the experiment: The purpose of the experiment was two-fold. One – to fulfill a paper obligation for a class I took. And Two – To see if I could change the response from myself and others that I come/came into contact with on a daily basis.

Procedures used: Each person I saw, every day, I would look at them and mentally tell them I Loved them. According to the person, sometimes I would say that out loud to them. Some days I would say this to a person many times – some days only once.

Observations/Data/Results: The experiment began on a Saturday, November 1st – I was working the desk and there were probably 20-30 people in the room. I looked at each one and said “I Love you”. I decided to do this – every 15 to 20 minutes. I was at the desk for 4 hours. I eventually expanded this experiment to include everyone that I came across – people in the grocery store, people at the gas pumps, people in cars while driving, animals in the yard – everyone, everywhere, every moment.

I eventually realized that the first person I needed to tell was myself – so I began saying “I Love you” to myself in the mornings when I woke up, whenever I’d pass a mirror, or just sitting in discussion with someone – I’d remind myself and then mentally tell them also.

The first thing I noticed the first day – was that I began seeing each person differently. I was looking at the person with kinder eyes and a gentler disposition. I know that people caught me looking at them like this – because they’d do a double take sometimes and then they’d answer with a smile in return. As I’ve been helping people at my job – I’m getting more and more thank you’s. I'm using more patience. My voice is gentler with the people. The words coming out of my mouth are more compassionate words. As the three weeks have gone by – I’ve noticed a shift in myself – I’m happy to see people – because I’m looking at them differently. And with my shift in perception, my reactions to people are more loving and caring, non-judgemental – and this in turn has changed their interactions with me.

Conclusion: The change had to occur in me first – which it has, it still is – ever growing and expanding. The people around me – I’m not sure if they’ve changed or it is entirely me that has changed. But by living my change, I see everyone around me different than I did the day before. I see their light. Perhaps I was so wrapped up in myself – that I’d never allowed myself to see their light – but now that I do – well, once again, it changes everything.

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