Thursday, December 04, 2014

Listening from my heart

Lately my conversations with people i come into contact with - are changing.  We are connecting and sharing our heart - and we both end up crying before it is over with.

Not that the tears are sad ones - but because we've connected.  Exposed ourselves to each other.  We let each other see our Good, our Divinity.  And it is Good.

Today while i was working the desk - a woman came up with a question.  While i was researching the answer for her - we were chatting.  She proceeded to tell me that she had terminal leukemia.  I looked up at her from typing on the computer and said - "that is an interesting choice of words".  She said, "well, my doctor told me that i needed to find a place to die.  And that there was nothing he could do for this kind of leukemia."  Again i just looked at her and then i said, "you just need to get that thought right out of your head.  You are what you think and you need to think greater than that.  Greater than what your doctor said."  She then looked at me and smiled and said, "That is just what my minister said to me."

We both got tears in our eyes at the same time.  I gave her the information she wanted and she told me that she had retired and wanted to help the person that i'd looked up for her.  She wanted to help this person make a difference in the world.  She'd seen her on tv and listened to the interview and it had inspired her to contact her.  I told her to keep me posted on the progress - because i could see that she was going to make a big difference in a lot of things and her world was going to change while she helped change the world.

As i was leaving - i walked over to a co-worker - and as i approached she got up from her desk and met me.  She said to me, "oh! today is National Hug Day."  I said, "no that was yesterday, but you weren't here - so i wanted to give you that hug."  We gave each other a big long hug and as we pulled apart, i could see that she had tears in her eyes.  I just smiled (tearily myself) and picked up my bag and left.

The interesting thing about this encounter - i don't go around hugging my co-workers.  But i find it interesting that she knew why i was coming over.  Because as i said, she got up and met me and held out her arms - before i ever reached her.  I knew when i was leaving - i glanced over to her - and usually i just wave - but i knew that today she truly needed a hug and not words.  I say this because her beloved dog was in the doggy hospital after having a blood transfusion the day before and was recuperating.  She needed the hug as much as i needed to give it.  Because it is always a give and take when you are giving a hug.

My encounters with people are becoming more and more encounters of the heart.  One day i realized that i'd begun listening from my heart - and i'm hearing more clearly.

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