Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Listen for the trees are speaking

Outside.  Closing my eyes to listen and feel the day.

I hear the waves as they roll into the shore and hit the sea walls.  Feel the light wind as it moves over my body, touching my skin with its delicate kiss.  The wind is everywhere sending ripples over the water.  There are birds singing and dogs speaking with their bark.

As i quiet my mind i hear one, two, three, four, five, six different birds, chirp chirp, cheep cheep, coooo, coooo, the engine of a boat or two, no there are three.

I open my eyes to see a cat that has paused on the edge of my grass - looking at me - wondering - i see the mind working, should i continue?  Paused in mid step watching me.

Three trills from another bird as it swoops along in flight.  Dogs running out to say hello when their family comes home.  Truck doors open, slam shut, feet on gravel, crunch, crunch, crunch.

The cat changed its mind - it stood in the same position for several minutes until he slowly turned around,  fluidly - paused, looked back at me - crept over to the corner, rounded the fence looked back at me again (so i finally made the two finger gesture, pointing at my eyes, pointing at his, making the universal, "yeah, i'm watching you."). Haha!

Pressure washer starting up.  Birds are still singing.  Insects are greeting the day with a fresh voice.  Happiness abounds and sweeps over me and i feel one with everything.  Water from the hose hitting the roof as he cleans it.  The water arcs, a rainbow peaks out and disappears into the mist.  The sun is shining and bright, the workers a few houses over have started up a saw and i feel the energy of the sun as it touches my skin.

Closing my eyes.  Breathing in the fragrance of the sun.  The scent of the flowers, and the green, the faint hint of sawdust as it travels along the wind over the water along the path of the day.  The bees are buzzing, pausing, harvesting drops of pollen, their swollen bodies, lightly flitting through the air.  A boat sails by amidst the tranquil.  The waves roll in, again.

Nature abounds in all its glory.  Saying hello.  Sitting in the silence of the raucous energy that is everywhere and the roar of the quiet.  I am relaxed and thankful for i am grateful.

I open my eyes and look up.  There the clouds are drifting by - close enough that if i reach out i can streeeetttch and touch them with the tips of my fingers.  The sun is caressing a spider web amongst the leaves of a tree and the thin gossamer filaments are glinting in the sun.  I can feel the leaves as they bask in the glory of the rays and they lift up toward the sun - grateful for the radiant energy -  they are lush and abundant in their glory and silent reverence.

Listen, for there is a symphony of music in this day.  Open your eyes and look around - for there is beauty everywhere.

There are green lizards climbing (and if you look - they'll "show you the money"), green flies, fish jumping, birds in the sky,  Suddenly i realize that all i hear is the wind, the birds and the insects, the trees are talking, and my eyes are full of moisture for i truly am grateful for this day.

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