Monday, April 27, 2015

There is a time for everything

Do you apologize for being emotional?  Have you ever caught yourself tearing up over something sweet or sad and said, "I'm sorry but that just made me cry."?

We have emotions so that we can feel these emotions.  And we need to express them.

We need to chuckle.  We need to have those deep belly laughs.  We need to laugh so hard we snort through our noses.  We need to laugh until we can't breathe.

We need to show those emotions.  We need to cry when we see sadness.  When we feel sorrow, we need to let the tears flow in abandon.  We need to sob so hard we get the hiccups.  We need to wail sometimes when no words can be spoken.

Why are we so programmed not to show these human emotions?  Men and Women.  Children.
Children pretty much show their emotions.  But how many times have you heard, or said, "don't cry." to a child?  Or to an adult for that matter.  Women are taught that it is silly to show so many emotions.  Men are taught that it isn't "manly".

Real men cry.  Real women cry.  And laugh.  And get angry.  And run the entire gamut of emotions. Some days - it can be a real roller coaster high and low out there.

As Ecclesiastes 3 says:
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens.

There is a time for Fear.  Anger.  Sadness.  Joy.  Disgust.  Trust.  Anticipation.  Surprise.

These are the eight basic emotions according to Robert Plutchik's theory.

If we don't show these emotions, we suppress them.  When we suppress them, we stop feeling.  When we stop feeling we stop living and being in this world.  How can you be in the moment - if you aren't paying attention to it.   Feel the moment.  We don't have to wallow in it - we don't have to live there - but we do need to feel it before we set it free.

One day my heart opened.  I went to visit an ashram - and when i stepped into this one room - the energy in the room and this huge, larger than life statue, opened my heart and i began to cry. I felt a connection with Bhagawan Nityananda that i hold to this day.  And will hold forever.

Slow down.  Take a breath.  Sit in the silence.  Feel the air on your skin.  Feel your breath as you breathe in and out.  Put your hand over your heart and feel your heart beating.  And take a deep breath.  Smile for it is a joyous day.

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