Thursday, January 01, 2015

Be That Now

Resolutions.  Goals.  Intentions.  Rules.  Expectations.  Regulations.  Ugh.

Many years ago i stopped making "resolutions" for the new year.

I realized that when i made these resolutions and then i didn't keep them - i thought less of myself. When i stopped exercising after 2 months.  When I didn't keep the house picked up everyday.  When I didn't get fit.  When i didn't stop smoking.  Or eating sugar.  Or just simply eating less.  When I didn't stop using credit cards or pay off my debt.  When I didn't go back to school.   When i didn't find my true love.  Or buy a new car.  When i didn't meditate more.  Or find that new church.  When i didn't write that book.  Or travel more.  Or do this or do that and on and on.

I judged myself.  I made myself feel less than.  That small mind would take over and then i would feel small.  I was bullying myself into thinking that i was not perfect.  Just. the. way. I. am.

One day i decided to stop beating myself up.  And I realized that i am perfect.

Now let me say - that just because i know that i am perfect -doesn't mean that i remember it every day.  But i do remind myself of that fact when ever i begin to feel less than.  I'm bombarded with the media and people and the outside world - and their goal is to make me feel that i need something other than what i have.  Mine is to remember that i am perfect.  I have everything i need within myself.  As do you.

When i begin to feel less than - i try to figure out why i feel that way - and work through that block.   Sometimes i need assistance from others to help me work through those blocks.  That block that is keeping me from knowing that i am perfect, from knowing my Divine Nature.

I'm working through these blocks and knowing my Divine Nature more and more.

And you know what?  Over the years my life has changed.  I quit smoking one day.  I wrote a book.  Then i wrote another book.  And just this year I wrote a third book.  I went back to school.  I bought a new car.  I'm traveling more.  I'm allowing new people in my life. I've cut out most of my sugar consumption.  I'm creating more.  I'm loving myself more and more everyday.  And loving others.  I've found my True Loves, I am surrounded by them.  They are everyone.  I'm expanding my borders.  I've paid off half of my debt.  And i don't use credit cards anymore.  I save up to buy large ticket items.  I'm meditating several times a week.  I've found a new Spiritual Center.  Several actually.  And it has come naturally.  Easy.

I'm constantly trying to keep my house picked up.  But i don't care that people see it the way it is - messy.  These are simply some of my messy parts.  Yes i do need to loose weight - because i need to be healthy - not for any other reason.

And i'm feeling good.  About myself.  About my life.  And my non resolution life that is perfect!

Happy New Year!  Imagine the life you want to be and be that now.


Angel said...

Awesome!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Lesta said...

Thank you Angel!