Saturday, January 03, 2015

Spread Love not Fear

When i see a post on Facebook or an article in a magazine or a newspaper or a television ad or commentary - there are 2 things i look for when i see it.
1.  Is this Love?
2. Is this Fear?

Life to me is sometimes a flow chart.  If this, then that.

Is this Love?  Yes - Is it relevant to you? Do you want to watch it/look at it? yes - then do it.
No? Then move on.
Is this Love? No - Then it must be fear.
Is this Fear? Yes - then move on, don't give it your power.  No? Then it must be Love, see above.

Very simplistic.  But we've got to be careful what we allow into our lives.  Into what we see, we speak, we do, we think, we spread - everywhere.

I saw a post that someone put on Facebook - which triggered this thought.  It said - "Do you know there are multiple cures for cancer but they are suppressed because cancer is worth $170 Billion dollars a year."  It just SCREAMED fear to me.

This is what i mean - by Love and Fear.

What i would rather see is something positive like this poster, on how to prevent something rather than pointing fingers and blaming someone else for the problem.

I know.  I know.  I live in my own world.  I want everything perfect.  I know the world isn't perfect.   But i can try, can't I?

I just found a bumper sticker in amid some papers i'm sorting through and filing.  "Loving Kindness is my religion" (His Holiness The Dalai Lama)

I guess that is where i am coming from.  I have to stop pointing fingers and blaming everyone else for my problems and issues.  It is one reason i'm sitting here all day today sorting papers and shredding, filing and tossing things. (i'm a writer and a genealogist - i keep everything.) I've wanted to have some people over to the house for a small gathering, but my house is such a mess i say to myself, there are papers and piles everywhere.   And you know what?   I just have to get off my rear and DO IT.   And it is feeling good.  And this room is looking so good.  And i'm planning a gathering at my house while i'm cleaning up and out.

What are you doing about it?  Let's stop a moment.  Let's Spread Love not Fear.

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