Tuesday, March 17, 2015

One Spiritual Being having a Human Experience

It is St. Patrick's Day today.  I've been thinking of the "being Irish" thing.  Which led me to ethnicity and identifying with a particular group.

And then i thought well, if i identify with a particular group - does that separate me from others?  By the mere fact that i identify with "this" group.  Does it make me "us" and others "them"?

I didn't like that thought.  It made me feel different.  From others i mean.  And i'm not.  Not really.

We're all Spiritual Beings.  Here, having a Human Experience.  Right?  Well I think so.

Does identifying myself as an Irish-German-French-American Indian-Welch-American make me something other than a Spiritual Being?  Does it lower my vibration?

Does being a member of a particular club or Civic group separate you from others?  Yes i think it does.  There are many groups or clubs that i would not qualify to join - for various reasons.  I'm not a Packer fan - or I'm not Catholic or I don't know the secret handshake or I don't have an i.q. of 132.

While it does separate us - it doesn't diminish us or make us less than.  

These groups (mostly) are a way of celebrating the ethnicity, remembering the past or promoting unity for a common cause - bringing people together as a group, forming community - and they are helpful to some.  

However, they also separate us from Spirit.  Divine Oneness.  I want to raise my vibration and remember that i am One with ALL that is.  We are One.  And by that raise the vibration of the planet. 

One with the water as it flows over - through - in my body.  I am the water.  One with the air that fills my lungs.  I am the air.  One with each human that i encounter.  I am you.  One merged with One and All - so that All doesn't exist - only One exists.

One Spirit having this Human Experience. 

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