Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Anything is possible!!!

What if i told you that our vision is our reality?  What if we understood this?  Believed this?

If we see ourselves this way or that - then we become this way or that.

For one reason or another - sometimes we have a tendency to believe the negative.  We need to retrain ourselves.  We need to be like little children.

When i was younger - i had a boyfriend and we would play a "fishing" game.  He was the fisherman and i was the mermaid.  He'd "catch" me every once in a while and i'd allow him to "pull" me in to shore.  Shore was a little children's wooden picnic table in the back yard.  The entire back yard was the sea.

We'd sit on the picnic table and make up stories.  He'd tell me about places he'd fished and things he'd seen as a sailor on the Seven Seas.  And i'd tell him about what it was like to live in the water and swim around all day, the creatures in the deep depths that no one else had ever seen and how we were magical and could walk on shore for short periods of time.

After a while, he'd unhook the line, to let me go and i'd hop back into the water and swim away flapping my tail.

Somewhere along the line - i forgot that i was magical.  Today i'm reminding myself that deep down i'm still that mermaid.  That child.  With a magical vision.  And my reality is changing.  My future is open to all the possibilities that are available to me.  Which translates into anything is possible!!!

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