Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Only Pray at Night

Today i was listening to some music by John Fullbright.  He sings a song "I only pray at night" on his album "From the ground up" of which he wrote all of the songs i think.

While i'm listening to the song, enjoying the moment, the music, and i begin to notice the words so i put the song on repeat to really listen.

He says - "i only try so hard".  And these words got me to thinking.  What do i do, where in my life, do i only "try so hard" and stop.

Actually i thought of quite a few things.

He says - "i only fly so high, until i come back down".

Why do i do the things i do knowing that i can do anything - and yet i set limitations and see a glass ceiling that really doesn't exist.  Only in my mind.

He says - "i only fly so far, till i turn around."

There again - i'll go after something, but stop sometimes right before i touch the sky.

Limiting myself.  Once again.

What would happen if i took that next step?  If i continued on down the path and touched the clouds?  Think of the possibilities.  They are infinite.  There is an entire Universe out there - and it is waiting for me.  Waiting for you.

John Fullbright "I only pray at night"
I Only Pray At Night
Put away and out of sight, I confront my fears
I am proud, I am strong, I’m endowed just as long
As it’s light, I only pray
At night
I’ve got an unmarked card, you’ve got the upper hand
I’m afraid to behave in a way that would leave me scarred
I only try
So hard
Its a mystery to me what my mind will see
And it’s something, ain’t it something, when you miss that mark
And you get down on your knees to pray
Only travel so far until I turn around
If you can’t wait for me to land go on ahead I understand
If you can’t try, I only fly
So high
I only try so hard
I Only Pray At Night.

I Only Pray At Night when the world disappears
I only try so hard to make you understand

And it’s funny, ain’t it funny, what ain’t funny in the dark
I only fly so high until I come back down
Make me cry, cry, cry
I don’t know where to go when it don’t seem right…
I only fly so high
I only try so hard
I only pray at night

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Anything is possible!!!

What if i told you that our vision is our reality?  What if we understood this?  Believed this?

If we see ourselves this way or that - then we become this way or that.

For one reason or another - sometimes we have a tendency to believe the negative.  We need to retrain ourselves.  We need to be like little children.

When i was younger - i had a boyfriend and we would play a "fishing" game.  He was the fisherman and i was the mermaid.  He'd "catch" me every once in a while and i'd allow him to "pull" me in to shore.  Shore was a little children's wooden picnic table in the back yard.  The entire back yard was the sea.

We'd sit on the picnic table and make up stories.  He'd tell me about places he'd fished and things he'd seen as a sailor on the Seven Seas.  And i'd tell him about what it was like to live in the water and swim around all day, the creatures in the deep depths that no one else had ever seen and how we were magical and could walk on shore for short periods of time.

After a while, he'd unhook the line, to let me go and i'd hop back into the water and swim away flapping my tail.

Somewhere along the line - i forgot that i was magical.  Today i'm reminding myself that deep down i'm still that mermaid.  That child.  With a magical vision.  And my reality is changing.  My future is open to all the possibilities that are available to me.  Which translates into anything is possible!!!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Stop and smell the roses

Or dandelions.  Whatever you have growing in your garden.  Stop and admire the weeds.

Ha!  Time has a way of escaping really fast if you don't pay attention.

I have a tendency to get so wrapped up in all of the "mess" and "stuff" that i'm doing that i forget about me.

To remind me of me - this is really sad - but i got an app.  Haha oh my goodness that makes me giggle.  This app has a little gong that sounds randomly through out the day to remind me to take a breath and be in the moment.  Just take a breath.

This really makes me laugh to think that i need a gong app to remind me to breathe.

However.  Do whatever it takes.  A rubber band on the wrist.  Ouch.  A note taped to the computer screen.  A picture hanging on the wall.  A big alarm clock.  Whatever it takes to wake your rear end up to remind you to breathe.  And take care of yourself.

Because if you don't take care of yourself - no one else will.

Someone said to me - i can't remember the exact words - but it was something like this.  We need to cherish ourselves as much as we cherish others.  Perhaps then, we'll take care of ourselves without having to be reminded.

Until then, i've got my app.  Now if i can just remember to turn it on.