Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Find that quiet space

What are you thankful for?  What are you grateful for?

Besides the obvious, my family, my friends, my health, a home, a car, a job, food in the cupboard, a cupboard - yes i am grateful for all of those, but I am truly grateful for my Spiritual Journey that I am on. 

I'm looking at everything around me - and i realize that none of it is mine.  It is all God's.  That remote for the Wii - Gods.  Those rings on my fingers - Gods.  The fuzzy slippers on my feet - Gods.  The rug under those feet - Gods.  Paintings on the walls - Gods.  The tv, the clothes, the dishes, the heat coming out of the vents, the sofa - all Gods.

I'm removing my attachment to these things - because they really aren't mine.  I've been working on this for a while - and i'm realizing more and more that my attachment is diminishing.   I'm really realizing it as i go through things and clean out the house - i realize i don't need all of these things and i'm passing them on to others.  Donating them to charity.  And it feels really good.  Like a burden is being lifted from my shoulders.  I have accumulated too much "stuff".  And it has been suffocating my Spirit.  I'm lightening my load on many levels.  Every time i take a load to charity - it feels so good.

Attachment to these physical things only serve to ground you to this world.  This world that is really an illusion.  Attachment feeds that illusion.

The Spiritual is the goal.  Being and feeling that pure Oneness with everyone and everything - makes you realize that feeling of separateness is something you create by attaching yourself to the physical.

How do you attain the goal of Spiritual Oneness, God Realization?  Through prayer and meditation.  Spending time with God.  Everyday.  Until it becomes natural and you spend every moment in prayer.  When i say this i don't mean - on your knees with your eyes closed - praying and saying words out loud.  I mean - being mindful of your surroundings.  Seeing God everywhere, watching your thoughts, paying attention to what you do, how you spend your time.

Find the quiet space.  Sit in that space.  Quiet your mind.  Become that quiet space.  And you will find what you are seeking.

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